Tuesday, April 02, 2013

March marches in

 Caden likes to follow the vacuum around and, if it hold still long enough, he comes over to inspect it.

 I love the outfits these guys come up with. It's like a outlandish fashion show (except that's normal for fashion shows, right?). They love to wear socks on their hands, especially Daddy socks. Owen is also sporting a dusting mitt.

 Ronan looks like he's wearing knickers and he has socks for every limb. 
I think the giant shoes are a nice touch.

 Now pose together. Hold it... and I think that's  a wrap! Great shoot guys!

 Owen is getting handy with the scissors and duct tape. He designed and crafted his own space ship with wings, boosters and a control panel (partly inspired by Liam's design from months earlier).

 Caden loves to walk outside in his walker.

 Nathan seems to be working on his 'smolder.'

 A casual baby carry.

I love how they are all posed so photogenically. They are like, adorable or something.

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