Thursday, April 04, 2013

So many wonderful things.

I decided to take the good camera out with us on our walk by the lake last week.

 Swash buckling boys.

Awww, they match!

 I love how Caden flaps his arms exuberantly. 
Imagine cute baby panting sounds accompanying the flaps!

 The mud, sticks, rocks, and water combination is too tempting for a boy to resist.

Baby hugs are the sweetest!

 The next day I could resist snapping pictures of the cuties again!

I had to give Caden something to play with so he would stop trying to eat bark chunks and grass.

 Liam loves to pick flowers for me. Pretty much every chance he gets, he brings me flowers.

 Ronan (Spiderman) is following his big brothers example.

 And of course, there's gorgeous Owen.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

March marches in

 Caden likes to follow the vacuum around and, if it hold still long enough, he comes over to inspect it.

 I love the outfits these guys come up with. It's like a outlandish fashion show (except that's normal for fashion shows, right?). They love to wear socks on their hands, especially Daddy socks. Owen is also sporting a dusting mitt.

 Ronan looks like he's wearing knickers and he has socks for every limb. 
I think the giant shoes are a nice touch.

 Now pose together. Hold it... and I think that's  a wrap! Great shoot guys!

 Owen is getting handy with the scissors and duct tape. He designed and crafted his own space ship with wings, boosters and a control panel (partly inspired by Liam's design from months earlier).

 Caden loves to walk outside in his walker.

 Nathan seems to be working on his 'smolder.'

 A casual baby carry.

I love how they are all posed so photogenically. They are like, adorable or something.

February 2013

Caden at 6 and 1/2 months pulling up on things. Getting steadier.

 Capturing the rare red crested baby on film.

 There was a five boy pile-up ensuing on the couch. 

For some reason, Caden just loved being carried around by is little 'big' brothers. 
It was a little nerve-wracking for me, but it was impossible to stop them. So I just tried to monitor it and give them some tips on carrying him safely.

 Worm or Mermaid games.

 Liam came home from school multiple times with face injuries and once for heat exhaustion
-He loves his jacket (He says it makes him look handsome) so much that he didn't take it of even though it was probably like 80 degrees out at P.E..

 His first injury happened when he was pretending to be a ghost while they were lining up outside to go back to class. He stumbled and hit his eyebrow on the stairs. You can see it bandaged in the 'pile-up' photo 4 pictures up and in this picture it is healing. Then a couple weeks later, for this shot, Liam got caught in the crossfire of a frisbee toss at P.E.. A shiner followed a day later.

 Caden holding his own in a dog pile.

7 months old.

 So skinny and pale, so bright and beautiful!

Liam also had his adult teeth come in behind his baby teeth. It looks kinda like shark teeth.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Dec 2012-Jan 2013


I did a Christmas photo shoot. Not that I made any cards or anything. I just posted them on Facebook.

 My hipsters hangin' out on the couch. We spent Christmas at Marmee and Grandpa Langford's house! The boys had tons of fun. They helped Grandpa while he worked on the addition and even got to ride in the backhoe ( I think he also let them take turns at the controls!).

Rounding up everyone on Christmas morning.

Lucky Liam gets to snuggle up with his cutie Aunts! Ronan seems to be eating something...

We made a pyramid from everyone's presents.

The big reveal came when My brother Chris and his wife Jocelyn surprised everyone by announcing that they were expecting! The were in Hawaii at the time so Nate and I helped set up the present.

Ronan couldn't get enough of the cats. He just loved them! 
He followed them around and carried them as much as they would tolerate.

Everyone wanted to hold Caden but we made sure to call dibs a lot.


 A couple days after we got home from Colorado Liam jumped of a bench at the little dock at our park and popped himself in the mouth with his knee. He severed the little piece of skin between the inside of his upper lip and his gums (and gave him self a hugely fat lip!).

Caden 6 months old

My Uncle Blair and Aunt Kate visited us after their trip to Disney World. 
My little cousins got to hang out with us while they went to the temple. 
It was really nice to have them and the boy definitely had fun!

Hangin' out while Liam is at school!