Friday, November 04, 2011

January 2011

As always, I was excited for my new classes when they begin (the stress comes later).

 Liam decided my "Ugg" boots went well his soldier hat, he wore them all of the time. He's using caution cones for guns or something.

 Cute boys.

 Last day I had pictures taken before I cut my hair.

 I had been toying with the idea of cutting my hair real short for quite a while. I was hesitant to trust someone else to get me the style I wanted. Silly? Probably. Anyway I sat myself down with large mirrors in front and behind  and slowly hacked away till I got what I wanted.

 Owen wanted a hug good night so we took turns climbing in and snapped a few pictures for fun.

 Liam couldn't resist getting in the pictures with Ronan.

Three in a row... 

Then Ronan rolled.

 Nate took the boys out to play when he wasn't working.

Sometimes they lured me away from my school work and out of the house.

 Roe appears to be getting tired of his food.

They love to cuddle up for a picture.

Christmas 2010

Christmas was in Colorado with my family. We had a great day building snowmen and a snow ball fights in the back yard. 

 Liam loved the snow.

 Owen spent nearly the whole time by an overturned mini playground eating snow and loosing his mittens.

 Eating snow.

 Why is it so cute when little kids wear snow clothes?

 My sister Caitlin helping owen get his mittens back on.

 The the younger kids made two regular sized snowmen and the big kids made a ten foot tall snowman with my Dads help.

 Putting mittens on again.

 Owen got stuck on the playground, Daddy saved him.

 The pictures I took of the unwrapping of presents were too blurry. The boys had a great time though.
That was until Liam got a paper cut on and threw up.

More Catching Up: Oct-Dec 2010

It snowed at the end of October

I was too busy for costume making so Liam was a ghost pillow, Owen was in Liam's old "Jedi" costume, and here's Ronan the fierce pirate baby (again Liam's old costume).

The boys just loved being read to.

Ronan was cute.

Liam was kind enough to pose for photo reference for some of my art.

Ronan was cute.

Well they all were cute. And everyone stayed relatively happy through finals.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Then Comes A Baby... (2010)

WARNING: This is a birth story full of pain, (but hey it has a really adorable and chubby ending) you might not want to read this if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming so.

Last post, I left off with us getting home in time for classes on Monday. Well 3 o'clock Monday morning I woke to some very uncomfortable contractions (you know where this is headed...) I was able to go back to sleep until 4, then I had to give up. I had forgotten how bad contractions could be. You see with Owen, I was induced and I elected to have an epidural since I heard pitocin can make your contractions more intense and I wasn't interested in that. Since I didn't feel a single contraction or any pain at all for my last child I had forgotten what it was like to be in labor.
I was miserable when I was having the contractions and dreading the next one when I wasn't. They were so intense that I literally wanted to escape my own body every time a contraction hit me. I was screaming and crying through every one. After dealing with this for an hour I decided I wanted to go to the hospital even though my contractions weren't as regular as they say they should be ( a couple would be every 5 minutes then some would be every 8, and then 3, and then 10...). All I could think about was that the hospital was my relief and I wanted it now or was gonna loose my mind! We called my brother to come and watch the boys while we went to the hospital. It only took him 5 or 10 minutes but it felt like hours. I had basically decided I was gonna leave my children unattended and go to the hospital anyway (hey, he was gonna show up soon, I rationalized), when my brother finally showed up. I moved to the car as quickly as my pain-racked body could take me, crying the whole way. I was desperate. In order to save a few minutes of waiting I made a split second decision to go to the closest hospital instead of the one I had originally chosen. I was counting the minutes it would take to get there and unrealistically calculating how few contractions I might be able to get away with before the epidural took effect. Nathan parked and I got out of the car and went into the hospital without him. I just wanted to get in there as fast as I could, but I only made it 3 yards inside the door before I had to lean up against a wall and cry miserably. A very sweet angel of a doctor was walking past and tried to comfort me, sent some one to notify Labor and Delivery that I was coming, and guided me toward the correct elevator. Nathan caught up to me and we went up. As soon as we got in I was already begging for my pain relief. In the room the nurse checked me and was surprised that I was already fully dilated. They had to get an IV in my arm before they would give me a spinal epidural. Apparently I was dehydrated and that makes it really hard to successfully insert a needle. They had to stick me 2-3 times in each hand. I didn't care about that minor pain I just kept begging for I didn't really know what anymore. Then finally the anesthesiologist came and got the IV in and then gave me my epidural. RELIEF! Immediately after that the doctor came in and told me to start pushing...

On September 13th around 6am, just 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital Ronan Young Shirley was born. 9 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 .5 in. long and he was a week early! I was only in labor for 2 or 3 hours! It felt like eternity.

I felt much better afterwards.

He sure was a cute little chunker.

His brothers were, of course, delighted to have their little brother out in the open.
I chose to not take the week off (or for some people maybe it's longer, I don't know) because for me the worst possible thing would be to fall behind in my classes. So 58 hours (2 1/2 days) after giving birth I was back in my classes. Don't worry, I took it easy. At least I avoided walking to much.

So note that when ever I have said or will say, "I was going to school full time" that Art classes have double the in class hours of most typical college classes (and probably the out of class time required as well) so when I took 12 credits in the winter it was really 24 hours a week in class and when I took 14 credits in the fall that was really 28 hours a week in class then add out of class time. So basically when I wasn't sleeping, all I was doing was taking care of Ronan and working on my assignments. Nathan had to give me food or I usually wouldn't remember to eat (I confess I don't really do a whole lot better when I'm not busy either).

All I'm saying is that life was crazy.

Catch Up: Jan-Sep 2010

I know that it has been forever since the last time I posted but I have a pretty good set of excuses! I will summarize the last 20 months (gosh that's long!) over a series of several posts.

January we moved in to our apartment in Wymount and started the winter semester. We had decided I would go full time and Nathan part time for three semesters and two terms and then he would graduate in April 2011 and I would finish up my degree long distance. Even though Nathan was taking fewer classes he still had work so things were really tough and we had to get some help watching the boys regularly or loose sleep and some times a combination of both. We also found out I was pregnant!

February Owen learned to walk at 10 months old. The picture is at the duck pond south of campus. We were giving him some support as he learned.

In April was the end of winter semester, Owen turned one year old, and my brother got married to an adorable young woman.

In May, Nate started taking the boys for hikes up the canyon. Even though I was getting larger with child, I accompanied them on one of their expeditions. The boys wanted to spend most of their time throwing rocks in the river.


June was the end of spring term and my load finally lightened a little (but not completely) for summer term. I know Nathan appreciated it too after being Mr. Mom for 6 months.

In August and September, things got really crazy right before fall semester Nathan was asked to go to Orlando for two weeks to do some work on site for Tupperware. Classes were starting and we couldn't find a babysitter and I was due in two weeks. So we took Liam and Owen to stay with my family and drove back the same day. I dropped Nathan off at the airport the following day (Sunday).
I started my classes all alone. It was the strangest feeling to be the only one at home and be a lone person with no kids attached (it was lonely). The next weekend, my brother and new sister-in-law (who also go to BYU) were having a late reception at my parents house, so I went down with them to see the boys and attend the reception and then we drove back for school.
I picked up Nate at the airport the next Friday night. Saturday we drove down to pick up the boys and drove back Sunday after Sacrament Meeting and were home in time to get some rest for classes the next day. Or so we thought...