Friday, November 04, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas was in Colorado with my family. We had a great day building snowmen and a snow ball fights in the back yard. 

 Liam loved the snow.

 Owen spent nearly the whole time by an overturned mini playground eating snow and loosing his mittens.

 Eating snow.

 Why is it so cute when little kids wear snow clothes?

 My sister Caitlin helping owen get his mittens back on.

 The the younger kids made two regular sized snowmen and the big kids made a ten foot tall snowman with my Dads help.

 Putting mittens on again.

 Owen got stuck on the playground, Daddy saved him.

 The pictures I took of the unwrapping of presents were too blurry. The boys had a great time though.
That was until Liam got a paper cut on and threw up.

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