Saturday, July 26, 2008


Liam has been having fun playing in water inside the house and out. There is a tarp on the front porch that gathered a nice puddle of water after it rained. We took Liam out there to play a few times before it dried up. It's so fun watching him splash. He also likes dropping dog food and his crackers in the dog's water when we forget to put them out of his reach. But his favorite thing is taking a bath and dumping all the soap and shampoo bottles on the floor of the tub.
Within the past few days Liam has discovered that he can climb onto the footrest (it's about eight inches shorter than the couch), which is pushed up against one of the end tables and play with the lamp and pictures there. From there he learned to grab onto the arm of the couch and carefully climb over. He's quite the little monkey. Needless to say, we have to keep an even closer eye on his whereabouts and doings.

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